Hilton Hotels Group’s Mainstream Corporate Codes Summary

Hilton corporate codes is very easy to use. First, go to the Hilton Hotels official website, click on “Special Rates” when searching for hotels, select “Corporate Account”, and enter the corporate code.

The corporate rates is almost half the bar rate for the same room type in the same hotel on the same day, with flexible cancellation and in some cases, free breakfast. The following are the corporate rate codes for most companies:

Company NameCorporate Codes
3MN0001542 / 0232757100
AccentureN0156333 / 0560001833
Akzo NobelN5616684 / 0560014419
AramarkN0672704 / 560013614
AT&TN0000046 / 0322768100
AP MollerN9888730 / 09303606100
Bank of AmericaN0710081 / 0052752100
BASFN0001125 / 0303136100
Berkshire HathawayN0437015 / 550000553
BlackstoneN9880578 / 0002732227
BP InternationalN2728493 / 2728493
BayerN0992581 / 560014086
Becton DicksonN4240708 / 30277110
CapGeminiN0990552 / 560049218
ChryslerN2674000 / 0222777100
Coca-ColaN0001420 / 0102780100
Computer ScienceN0912126 / 0052751100
Dairy QueenN2641527 / 560025757
DellN7654328 / 550000750
Deloitte601560 / 383264100
DisneyN0997136 / 560010423
Dow ChemicalN0990214 / 0222786100
FedExN0001231 / 0422795100
Fiat ChryslerN2674000 / 222777100
FordN0900266 / 222798100
GannettN0921902 / 0560020300
General ElectricN0001398 / 0072799100
General MotorsN0903395 / 0222801100
GenreN1367720 / 0560074960
Georgia PacificN0600290 / 0102802100
Harley DavidsonN3846652 / 550000273
Home DepotN0794705 / 301509100
IBMN2666284 / 0002666284
JC PenneyN0381437 / 433327100
KoneN5643927 / 560053162
KohlerN7511203 / 0560013526
MascoN0990761 / 560031232
McDonaldsN1360871 / 0132813100
McKessonN9890367 / 560001621
McKinseyN2741095 / 560009845
NestleN4083580 / 0052754100
OracleN0992835 / 0051782100
Proctor & GambleN0000537 / 0352837100
ShellN0000576 / 432843100
TargetN4083735 / 550000728
United Parcel ServiceN0970783 / 72856100
VerizonN0000908 / 0072803100
VolvoN2435318 / 560023557
Welsh CarsonN1367820 / 2709170
Wells FargoN0156393 / 52097100

There are two codes for each company. The code beginning with N (optional) applies to Hilton/Conrad hotels. The code after the slash applies to other Hilton hotels, which means you sometimes have to do two searches.

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2 Responses

  1. Jeff King says:

    Do these codes still work now?

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